Consultation & Fees
Home // Consultation & Fees
Alexandre-M. BRAUN receives clients at his law firm, by appointment only. He can be reached, preferably, through the form.
- 30 rue Eugène Flachat, 75017 Paris
- 01 56 79 12 18
- 01 70 71 97 26
Concerns about lawyers’ fees, or the “price” of their services, are as old as the profession itself.
In ancient Greece, Demosthenes advised :
« Consider as something expensive not what it costs you to defend yourself but what it will cost you not to be defended»
Demosthenes was right: the absence of defense costs more than the defense, whether we are talking about criminal defense or the defense of victims. Nevertheless, it is legitimate for the litigant to wonder what his lawyer will cost him and to wish for the most transparency possible on this point.
The billing of Alexandre-M. BRAUN’s fees are systematically explained at the beginning of each case, and are confirmed in writing in the form of a fee agreement in order to reassure the client and give him or her a clear idea of the amount of his or her commitments.
Depending on the case, the billing may be fixed (i.e. at a fixed price, for the entire case or a specific part of it) or calculated on the basis of time spent, according to an hourly rate.
When the nature of the case allows it, an additional result fee is also agreed upon, linked to the obtaining of an advantage or the avoidance of a risk.
Fees can be paid by virement, bank transfer, credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), check or cash (within the limit of 1,000 Euros TTC for French residents and 10,000 Euros TTC for foreign tourists, in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2015-741 of June 24, 2015).